become a partner

RUN WITH WINE educational workshops and holistic wellness services provide a powerful way for volunteers, holistic wellness providers and organizations to positively impact underserved women in our community by helping them obtain knowledge and access to holistic services that will empower them to pursue a path of good mental, physical, and financial health.

“The heart of a volunteer is never measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others.”

– DeAnn Hollis

There are numerous ways for organizations and individuals to get involved in RUN WITH WINE.


Businesses, civic organizations, service clubs, nonprofits and other types of organizations can get involved with RUN WITH WINE in the following ways:

  • Corporate Partnership Program – Join our annual Corporate Partnership program with a commitment of $5,000 that will significantly leverage our reach within the community and allows your company premier sponsorship and advertising at all classes, workshops, and meetups, along with listings on website and all print advertisement for one year. Contact us to learn about the corporate benefits of this giving program.

  • Sponsor a RUN WITH WINE Event or Workshop - Sponsor a single event (does not include annual fundraising gala) or workshop for $500. Allows company listing on website and print advertisement for the sponsored event or workshop and helps cover the cost to provide valuable education and hands-on activities for women in need. Contact us to learn more.

  • Provide RUN WITH WINE Volunteers Become involved by providing volunteers from your employee or member base to assist us with hosting workshops by greeting clients, tracking attendance, and assisting with the setup of equipment, tools, and food. If you’re interested in this option, please contact us.

  • Provide Healthy Food Options for RUN WITH WINE events - If your establishment provides healthy, plant-based food options, help support Run with Wine events by providing food offerings while also getting the word out about your establishment. Contact us to discuss further.


Individuals can get involved in RUN WITH WINE in the following ways:

  • Become a Preferred Holistic Partner with RUN WITH WINE - Do you offer a non-traditional, holistic service that is not typically known about or accessible to underserved women? Is there scientific evidence and results that prove how this holistic service helps improve mental and physical health? Does your service help prevent, halt, or reverse disease and obesity? If you answered yes to any of those questions, we want to speak with you and possibly work with you as a preferred provider for our clients. Please schedule an appointment to start a conversation about partnership.

  • Donate to RUN WITH WINE – You can make one-time or recurring monthly donation to RUN WITH WINE to support our work financially.  Learn more!

  • Connect Us to Others you may know of an individual or organization that would be a great partner with RUN WITH WINE in one of the ways described above, either in your own community or in other locations across town, your state or the US. Please contact us about this person or organization and we will follow up with them right away.